Sunday, December 2, 2007

Gingerbread Girl - Night 2, Day 3

Saturday Night - I tried to keep ginerbread girl in bed with me last night but my hand got tired so I asked my mommy to ask daddy if he would sleep with gingerbread girl so she didn't sneak out again. She snuck out again and took pictures. She went down our back steps. She went out by our firepit and then she went into the woods. She came back up the stairs and when I woke up this morning she was by my door. My daddy was sleeping downstairs and was surprised that she got out again.

Sunday - Daddy said she slept most of the day while he watched football. She had to stay with daddy because I went out to my friends' farm. I got to feed a horse and play games. I'm glad she stayed home with daddy because if she sneaked away out at the farm she may have gotten lost.

I had fun with gingerbread girl and I hope she's not as tricky with the next kid to get her.

as dictated by Ella

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Caring for the Gingerbread Girl Day One...

Dad told me that Gingerbread girl was being sneaky again and that I needed to find her. Mom said that there were some clues in our camera. Gingerbread girl had been taking the camera and last night she (when I was sleeping) sneaked out to the driveway and she went in my dad's car and took pictures of herself. And she also took pictures in the driveway and with my dad's person (knome - go Oklahoma!). She also hanged on the Christmas tree and took pictures. I can't wait to tell Mrs. Daniel about this.

- as dictated by Ella

Caring for the Gingerbread Girl Day Two...

I was good and played with Hannah on the swings. Hannah picked me to get my gingerbread girl to take care of. I got to take her home with me over the weekend. I get to keep her for 2 days; other people get to keep her for one day. The day I brought her home I played a game with her. It was called Yahtzee. I got three 5's and two 2's. We had fun playing. I took her on a walk with my dad and Haley (neighbor) this morning. I wrapped her up in a small little blankie because she would get cold but she came undone and Dad did not wrap her back up.