Monday, June 9, 2008

Bachelorette and B-Day at School

Bachelorette - Why is she crying? Are they trying to marry her? That's silly.
B-day at School - Today we celebrated summer birthdays. Some people liked the ice cream and some people didn't. I didn't like the ice cream even though it was the ice cream that mommy bought.
I wish Ms Daniel would keep all our art projects so she could remember how good we all are.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Daddy tinkles his pants

Dad, "Cousin Justin is coming to visit."
Ella, "Oh, no!"
Dad, "Why do you say that?"
Ella, "Cause you two act silly. You might laugh so hard you'll tinkle your pants."
Sadly enough, probably true. HOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLD!