Sunday, December 2, 2007

Gingerbread Girl - Night 2, Day 3

Saturday Night - I tried to keep ginerbread girl in bed with me last night but my hand got tired so I asked my mommy to ask daddy if he would sleep with gingerbread girl so she didn't sneak out again. She snuck out again and took pictures. She went down our back steps. She went out by our firepit and then she went into the woods. She came back up the stairs and when I woke up this morning she was by my door. My daddy was sleeping downstairs and was surprised that she got out again.

Sunday - Daddy said she slept most of the day while he watched football. She had to stay with daddy because I went out to my friends' farm. I got to feed a horse and play games. I'm glad she stayed home with daddy because if she sneaked away out at the farm she may have gotten lost.

I had fun with gingerbread girl and I hope she's not as tricky with the next kid to get her.

as dictated by Ella

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Caring for the Gingerbread Girl Day One...

Dad told me that Gingerbread girl was being sneaky again and that I needed to find her. Mom said that there were some clues in our camera. Gingerbread girl had been taking the camera and last night she (when I was sleeping) sneaked out to the driveway and she went in my dad's car and took pictures of herself. And she also took pictures in the driveway and with my dad's person (knome - go Oklahoma!). She also hanged on the Christmas tree and took pictures. I can't wait to tell Mrs. Daniel about this.

- as dictated by Ella

Caring for the Gingerbread Girl Day Two...

I was good and played with Hannah on the swings. Hannah picked me to get my gingerbread girl to take care of. I got to take her home with me over the weekend. I get to keep her for 2 days; other people get to keep her for one day. The day I brought her home I played a game with her. It was called Yahtzee. I got three 5's and two 2's. We had fun playing. I took her on a walk with my dad and Haley (neighbor) this morning. I wrapped her up in a small little blankie because she would get cold but she came undone and Dad did not wrap her back up.

Saturday, November 24, 2007

We went to see Enchanted...

We went to see Enchanted the movie the day after Thanksgiving. It was pretty good but I could not let out a laugh because I didn't feel like it. I didn't understand the chipmunk. He was trying to say that the wicked witch was trying to give the princess an apple to make her go asleep and he bit the dragon. And then the dragon fell down, down, down, down but the prince was stuck on a sing (thing) and he could not get down and then they slipped all the way down and got married and then the other prince married the other girl. That's all.

Monday, November 5, 2007

October Update

I made a halloween bracelet. I went to visit my grandma and grandpa. I went to the enchanted forest. I went to my sister's baptism. Everyone was calling me yellow card. Next time I visit, I'll wear my bully shirt so they stop picking on me. Daddy told me to tell them that "at least I'm smart enough to get a yellow card. I went trick or treating. I dressed up as Super Girl. My sister dressed up as a pack of Smarties. We had a party at school. I ate candy and I got a tattoo. I finished playing soccer. I followed my daddy's rules which are 1. Have fun, 2. Don't whine and 3. Don't ask to take a break. My daddy says I improved a lot over the season and we'll see about playing in the big kids league next year.
I want to share my sight words.


Monday, October 1, 2007

I got off the schoolbus. I went to my teacher's desk and gave her the stuff for my hat.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Saturday, I played soccer. I scored 6 goals. I did everything my daddy taught me. On Sunday, I went to Busch Gardens. I went on the Big Bad Wolf roller-coaster 2 times. Then I went on the Merry-Go-Round. After the MGR, I went on the big swings. I went high, then I came low and then I went high. I went to lunch with my friend, Emma. I saw my friend Anna from my old school. I rode the sky ride to get back to the entrance and then we drove home.
At school on Monday, I got off the bus. When I got off the bus, I sat down in my seat and did some work. Then we did, like, we did, like, under, top, middle. I colored in the shapes. I did 4 colors and when I did 4 colors, when I was done we lined up and put it on the drying rack. After we lined up, we came back and did literacy tubs. After the literacy tubs, we had to clean up and put all the stamps away. After I did that, I went outside. After we went outside, we had a fire drill and did not clean all the stamps up. When we came back inside, I had to clean it all up. I went to lunch. I buy lunch today. I bought a dorito (burrito), salad and strawberries. After lunch, I came back and couldn't do centers. All we did was rest, rest and rest. Then we got up and I packed everything up and then I did a magazine and I did some wipes. We had to do 4 pages. We lined up and got on the school bus to take us back to day-care.
We should get two chickens that way they can cluck all night long.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Hey flute, get me a napkin.

Daddy, asked me if he sounded like a trumpet or trombone. Then he tooted and sounded like a flute so I said, "Hey flute, get me a napkin." Mommy and daddy laughed very hard.

Today at School 9-12

I made find the letters that are the same. I runned around the gym and then talked about basketball. I did the sit on the carpet and then I went to PE. We got back and played there was a fire drill. We had to clean up for library. After library we took a nap and got ready to go to KZ.
At KZ, I went outside. Then mommy picked me up.


Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Today at School 9-11

i made some stuff on paper. i sat on the carpet. then we drew ourselves.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

2nd Day of School

i got off the schoolbus. i got to school and sat down. i drew a schoolbus. i had to sit on the carpet and read a book.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

First Day of Kindergarten

Today was my first day of Kindergarten. I cried a little bit getting on the bus. I got to school and I stopped crying. We sat down and looked at a book and then we went to play basketball. And then after basketball, we went to the cafeteria. Then I got back and drawed a picture of rules... raising my hand. and then I had quiet time. Then I went to the library. Then I packed up and got on the school bus. When I had to change school buses but I was scared I was going to miss my second bus. Then I was at KZ. Mommy and Daddy were at KZ to pick me up. Then we went to the mexican restaurant (Cera Azul). I had tacos and sopapillas. Then I got home.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

"Yeah, the baby sucks on the PIMPLE to get milk."
In lieu of the previous post, there goes daddy ever wanting to see the pimples again.
"The baby gets milk from the brown circles."
Understanding that Andrea is breast feeding... you get the picture.
There goes daddy ever seeing the brown circles again.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Folding Clothes

Ella just said to Rory (its Sunday morning) -

"If you don't teach me how to fold clothes now, I won't know how to when I grow up and you'll have to take me to a tutor." She promptly followed up her statement with a "real" tooter.


We were driving to the hospital last Tuesday (5/30) to hopefully deliver this baby (it didn't happen). We were almost at the stoplight when Ella piped up and said "When I grow up I want to be a Chefes." After we clarified that she wanted to be a Chef, she then said "I want to work with Cheeseburgers, where can I work with Cheeseburgers? Oh yeah, McDonalds!" Anyway, that was her funny in the car.

She was also total hysterical when I was in the labor and delivery room. She kept telling me in her very solemn and wise tone that I was not to worry but that it was going to be "uncomfortable" having a baby. She then proceeded to entertain me by doing the robot dance. She's the funniest kid I know.

Friday, April 27, 2007

4 year old comments regarding Virginia Tech Shootings

On the Tuesday after the VT shootings, Ella and I were listening to CNN on XM when the anchor mentioned Virginia Tech. Ella immediately perked up and said "Mom, that man said Virginia Tech on the radio...why?"

So I said "well, a man was really angry and hurt a lot of people at Tech." She asked me what happened to them. I said that he shot a lot of people and some of them died. She thought for a moment and then became very animated and said "Mom, guns are very bad and people shouldn't use guns because they hurt people." I agreed with her that guns can hurt people and that kids shouldn't play with them. I told her that Mom and Dad have made the choice to not have guns in our house. I did want to take the opportunity, though, to make sure I didn't head too far to the left (even though we are very liberal) and share with her that owning and using guns is a fundamental constitutional right. She's only 4 right now so I don't expect her to remember that nugget!

So, the conversation continued to progress after the gun talk. She said to me "But Mom, doesn't that man know he's going to go to jail?" I was surprised by her comment but said "Yes, honey, he would go to jail but he died." She asked how and I shared that he shot himself. I know that many of you may like to pass judgment on me for being too open with her but we prefer her to know the truth and not avoid it.

After I told her that he shot himself she got very quiet. The next thing she said almost leveled me. She said "Mom, didn't he know that just because you die doesn't mean you get happy?"

Another random thought by Ella Weber. - 4/17/2007