Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Cousin Justin as President

Tonight we were sitting at the dinner table with Cousin Justin eating some good grinder sandwiches. We were talking about the election and the fact that Ella's school will be closed that day. They are going to have a pajama day at daycare along with bowling and a pizza party. The consensus among the adults at the table was that we wanted to go to daycare too.

So we were talking about politics with Ella; Justin asked her who she would vote for. She said "Obama". Of course, he gave her a little grief and she asked him who he would vote for; he said "myself". Ella told him he couldn't do that and Justin asked why not. Ella told him he can't vote for himself as president since he's not 35 years old. Just a small but stinging burn from from a 6 year old who has a better command of the political process than most of us. We were so proud :).

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Car Ride Home from first day of school.
When I was on the playground, I played with the girls because I don't like the boys. The girls say I have a crush on Landon because he hit me but I don't. I would just tell him I did. Riley likes Ben. She has a crush on him because he kicked her but she won't admit it. I like Landon but I don't love Landon. Hannah loves Ben because she hit him at recess. For real.

And for some reason daddy became very sad. I don't know why. He's weird.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Ella was tying her shoes this a.m. when I overheard the following:

"Ahhhh no. One of my shoe laces is dead."

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Here are some more of my vacation pictures.

This is how I kept from getting sunburned...just kidding - my dad buried me in the sand on our last day at the beach. I had so much fun at the Outer Banks in North Carolina.

Field Trip to the Alpaca Farm

I picked up Ella and lil 'E today from daycare. Ella came zooming down the hall, all smiles when I asked her how her day was. She stopped in her tracks, looked at me and said "Not good...I got kicked by a llama." She is hysterical.

Sunday, August 10, 2008

I wiat on a thia and i got to patu a hyoucab and i got soum hyoucab earg
and it wau fun
love eleanor

(ella wrote this all on her own and even posted it. translation is: "I went on a vacation and i got to pet a horseshoe crab and I got some horseshoe crab earrings and it was fun.")

PS - she wants to be referred to as eleanor now :).

Monday, June 9, 2008

Bachelorette and B-Day at School

Bachelorette - Why is she crying? Are they trying to marry her? That's silly.
B-day at School - Today we celebrated summer birthdays. Some people liked the ice cream and some people didn't. I didn't like the ice cream even though it was the ice cream that mommy bought.
I wish Ms Daniel would keep all our art projects so she could remember how good we all are.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Daddy tinkles his pants

Dad, "Cousin Justin is coming to visit."
Ella, "Oh, no!"
Dad, "Why do you say that?"
Ella, "Cause you two act silly. You might laugh so hard you'll tinkle your pants."
Sadly enough, probably true. HOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLD!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

I'mmmmm back

I've been focusing on school for the past several months so I haven't had time to blog. OK, really, my dad was lazy and didn't want to spend a whole 15 minutes typing my messages. Ooops, he's back so act like I didn't say that.
So, this blog may be lengthy as I have to catch you up on the life that is Ella. Let's see, let's start with the basics.

School - it's good. I get good grades, the occasional yellow card. Oh yeah, I won the citizenship award for the school in February. That's a pretty big deal. My mom and dad asked why I won it. The answer is simple, I make sure that everyone is included in things. Some of my friends don't like it when I do that but I just say "who cares, that's the way it is". Anyway, school is wrapping up. I'm getting 3s in all my subjects (that's a 3 out of 3) and I'm testing above the benchmark whatever that means.

Soccer - I moved up a league this season and did well. I scored a few goals and dropped some dimes on my teammates. The boys are ball hogs so if they get it, it's no fun. My friend Emma played on the team and we did well. I played in my first tournament a couple of weeks ago. Three games in one day. I was tired but daddy supplied treats between games and plenty of water. He said something about officially becoming a soccer parent. Badge of honor if you ask me. Besides, he drives a station wagon so anything is a step up on the cool factor from that.

Kids Fun Run - I ran a mile with my dad in a Kids Fun Run. I would have gone faster but my dad held me back. I was so bored that I held up the rock and roll sign for the last quarter mile.

Sister - my sister is getting bigger. She's got a blog also but that was updated the last time mine was so you'll have to read the small biography my dad writes to catch up on those 6 months. The only word she knows is my name. I do love her but she is trouble. All she does is cry, eat and poop. I like reading to her but she's got the attention of a spider monkey so I usually only get a couple of sentences in.

Mom and Dad - they are way busy at work but do a pretty good job of taking care of their responsibilities at home which is treating me like I'm the only kid they have. I know that sounds selfish but, hey, it's me we're talking about.

Tooth - lost my first one. Came out while I was eating corn on the cob. Actually, it got real loose eating corn on the cob and dad yanked it out. $5.00, oh yeah!

Went to Mardi Gras in Louisianna - came home with lots of beads and a chicken foot. Mommy got sun-burned on her boobies getting me the beads and the chicken foot is really cool!

Plans for Summer - Trips to grandparents (both sets). I was going to fly from Grandpa Steve's to Nana and Papas and then home all by myself but Grandpa Steve won't let me. He's going to fly with me now. "He's just silly because I know he's scared to fly because he drives everywhere. I'll make sure he is ok because it's just flying." (actual Ella quote to Grandpa Steve) After that, I don't know. I'm thinking about playing softball and taking golf lessons. We'll see.

Now that summer is approaching and I don't have any more homework, I'll make sure mom and dad get to posting my musings.