Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Cousin Justin as President

Tonight we were sitting at the dinner table with Cousin Justin eating some good grinder sandwiches. We were talking about the election and the fact that Ella's school will be closed that day. They are going to have a pajama day at daycare along with bowling and a pizza party. The consensus among the adults at the table was that we wanted to go to daycare too.

So we were talking about politics with Ella; Justin asked her who she would vote for. She said "Obama". Of course, he gave her a little grief and she asked him who he would vote for; he said "myself". Ella told him he couldn't do that and Justin asked why not. Ella told him he can't vote for himself as president since he's not 35 years old. Just a small but stinging burn from from a 6 year old who has a better command of the political process than most of us. We were so proud :).

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